Dear BeingGirl Experts,
What do I do if I start in school and everybody sees me? We don't have a nurse at our school. What if I go to school and start my period and don't have a jacket, and my mom can't come and pick me up from school? I carry pads just in case, but I don't know if I have time to change because we only get four minutes between classes.
Dear Shelby,
Most girls find they have time to get to the bathroom before anyone knows you are having your period. Your period will probably not come flowing out heavily immediately from the start. It is more likely that you will notice some dampness or wetness and excuse yourself to the restroom to find that it has begun.
By carrying your menstrual protection in a backpack or purse, you can take this with you to the bathroom. Changing during class breaks or lunch makes the most sense. If you aren't sure when your period is due, wear an Always pantiliner daily and avoid any accidents. Also, check out the location in your school where emergency menstrual protection products are kept. Schools with a nurse can usually count on the nurse having menstrual protection available for emergencies.